why rachellle? why do you have to be the only one who gets arbid quotes? whatever shal i do :(
i woke up from the strangest dream in the morn...me and divya were playing badminton in this wide wood panelled corridor (wide for a corridor, narrow for badminton, somehow fireflyish) and i got really good at it...and then i decided to join the local team, but they didnt think i was good enuf (yes it was team badminton with 6/8 ppl to a side)...then we found some rules to show how i cud join divyas team altho it wasnt my local one blah di blah...much dramas and the gilmore girls came into it somehow...and it ended with all of us in this pub where there were pretty serial lights behind the bar and divya was bartender and i asked her to make me a fun cocktail. so she made me this 'shooter' which was in a pint glass and was a pink kool aid like colour...it was called corky something shooter...yummy...mostly tasted like strawberry kool aid.
It's not easy being the only Browncoat in the village. I know, gorram it. :p
Cheer up Pave, I'll sing you a song:
Take my looooove, take my laaaaand
Take me where I cannot staaaaand
I don't caaaare, I'm still freeee
You can't take the sky from meeeee
Take me ooouuuut to the blaaaack
Tell them I ain't coming baaack
Burn the land and boil the seeeaaa
You can't take the sky from meeee
*folky violins, na na na na na*
There's no plaaaace I can beeee
Since I found Serenityyyyy
But you can't take the sky from meeee
P.S. Bible's broken! Doesn't make sense.
must hide! too much hair!
It's up there, waiting...
Also - I can kill you with my brain.
im going to grow a big black mustache. im a traditionalist.
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