Sunday, 22 February 2009

#sings# how much is that nudist in the window? the one with the smile on her face...

the scene. thursday. me and rebecca walking back to her place.
we passed people hecking some other people in the 1st floor (i think) window of a house. nude people (pretty much having sex people). the people in the window. not the road. who obviously knew there were people watching their nudity. *shrug* we looked up. we looked away. we walked on. :)


Anonymous said...

We also laughed at them. :p I liked the girl who shouted "CLOSE YOUR CURTAINS!"

Divya said...

hehe, fandaastic!
too funnie, harsha was telling his friends how it's best to trip on you when high, cause you have an 'expression that he's never seen before on high ppl" it seems :D and he was trying to get the blank look :D

pavithra muthalagan said...

@zivya...hee! hmm...i wonder wat it looks like. lolol.

pavithra muthalagan said...

@rachelle :D the whole thing was funny!