Friday, 23 October 2009

what is home?

im all nostalgic at the mo. thank god for being in madras tomorrow. twill be awesome. falling asleep on a train and finding myself at home. should be good. i cant wait for it to be properly hot. its been hot in blore this week, but different hot. madras hot is madras hot. just watched new maggie 8 vid. featuring niv.

not new in general. 4 months ago. new to me.
so yeah. im all alone in office. everyone having left. i shall leave in a bit to go to corner house or something. before meeting dee and uncle. dont think i want to be alone in office for some hours. but corner house with carpe jugulum sounds good. ice cream for the mood im in. chocolate. someone's playing old hindi music in the next room. it's that sort of mood exactly. where im remembering madras as a series of loungey moments spents on beds in the afternoon with the light filtering through the half opened curtains. the view being green and light.
also loungey leeds moments of pure lazy. niv's room. doing nothing. cocooned.


rachellle said...

Ohh, your blog looks different!
Who are Maggie 8?

pavithra muthalagan said...

a leeds band that my friend niv sings in. i dont think u ever met her..

rachellle said...

Ohh, cool!

susie r said...

Hey, I love the new blog layout... Looks really fresh and zippy! :)

pavithra muthalagan said...

thank you! i hadnt changed it for ages. twas fun to do.