Sunday, 27 December 2009

it's Craptacular

the following poster makes me want to:
a. cringe and gag
b. not watch it
c. kill the photographer
d. and whoever decided to go with small 'i' capital 'C'...
just ergh!


rachellle said...

haha oh dear

Divya said...

aaah! *gouge mine own eyes out to avoid the appallingness*

pavithra muthalagan said...

the trailer is appalling too..but this assaults my eyes more. they couldve atleast tried to make it seem like a better movie than it is. eugh.

susie r said...

Their faces both look so weird... especially Alec Baldwin's. Why do they insist on badly photoshopping posters? They always look bizarre!

pavithra muthalagan said...

movie posters get worse and worse. this site will make you cry >