Tuesday, 14 June 2011

B'lore Vs. Madras - Round #1

Recovering from my Bangalore weekend of making merry and general chilling. Also thinking on why Bangalore people are the way they are. It's like my dad saying island mentality to explain the way British people think and act. Bangalore is lacking in a coastline, hence less chill than Madras. I can just go to the beach whenever i want to, to stare at the ocean and ponder life and not give a shit about things like what other people must think of me.

The biggest difference between Chennai and Bangalore is the number of phone calls you can expect to get after making a plan with someone.

In Chennai:
Step 1: Make a plan.
Step 2: All land up at the meeting place as planned.

In Bangalore:
Step 1: Make a plan.
Step 2: Get calls asking 'where you are' about every half hour before the meeting (calls increase in frequency nearing the agreed upon time).

If I was going to ignore the plan and move elsewhere, I would call you. Just CTFD and come to the place. Calm down, I will be there. Like I said.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

what i like about music #2

Part II

i know i already mentioned harmonies but it bears repeating. there are so few bands (i listen to) with multiple people singing together. the large bands tend to be multiple instruments with one/two singers. i guess mumford and sons qualify but marcus mumford is still the lead singer there. ideally i want more to listen to more bands who do what hanson do but less pop-y? i love me some hanson but i want reccos. hanson-like will do as well (i just re-listened to 'a minute without you' - genius! they are so underrated). 

what should i listen to?

(...or i could watch sister act 2 again.)