#singing# we're off to see the wizard...
was listening to this beatles song > a relevant excerpt> "how do you do what you do to me?/i wish i knew/if i knew how you do it to me/i'd do it to you" and i was thinking how it applies to all my one sided crushes. where im like totally dying. and the person concerned has no clue. what. so. ever. it's such a true song. so soul baringly honest. how does one write like that? when i try to write what is..what actually happened...i get so embarassed at myself. and cant do it. truth is the key. thats why the beatles are the beatles.i was getting on the bus after a night at divya's place. and so many people got on before i did. i was sure i wudnt get a place to sit. and i get on. and there are people standing, but there's a seat empty. and i pounced on it with glee. weird? yes. very. i think it was cause there was this dwarf man sitting there. but how do you do that? how? do you think: oh look a dwarf. i cant sit there. id rather stand. i was quite pissed off on his behalf. grr. reminded me of the horrible oscar wilde story. *shudder*
bonus happy video. the fool on the hill. so random. love it.