i was getting on the bus after a night at divya's place. and so many people got on before i did. i was sure i wudnt get a place to sit. and i get on. and there are people standing, but there's a seat empty. and i pounced on it with glee. weird? yes. very. i think it was cause there was this dwarf man sitting there. but how do you do that? how? do you think: oh look a dwarf. i cant sit there. id rather stand. i was quite pissed off on his behalf. grr. reminded me of the horrible oscar wilde story. *shudder*
bonus happy video. the fool on the hill. so random. love it.
You - you sat on a person? Or am I missing something here?
"You give me a feeling in my heart, oh la laaa la" The Beatles are so cute. XD My dad (foster dad) was a massive Beatles fan in his teens and he learned to play their songs on guitar. When I was a kid I used to make him sing them in Swedish. So funny! Ah, nostaliga...
yep, the truth. mebbe they can publish our stories posthumously?
sat 'next to' a person :)
funfun i want to hear them in swedish! that would be even better than i want to hold your hand in german...
id still have to get them down on paper for that :)
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