Monday, 2 March 2009

those blog ideas i mentioned. theyve been shelved. for now. to quote from heathers 'LIFE SUCKS'...the status is not quo. the bell jar descends. and i do the only thing i can, wait for tomorrow and listen to music. joy division.


Anonymous said...

whyyyyyyyyyyy? :(

pavithra muthalagan said...

long story short: i cant stay with divya...have to come up with alternate plan fast. 2nd option stay here. start the job hunt all over again. stress.

Anonymous said...

Hope you find someone else to stay with.

pavithra muthalagan said...

i think ill be staying with dee... :) my passport still has to come back too! grr!

hows packing and things?

Anonymous said...

oh, goodie. :D

packing, packing... i'll start tomorrow. :p