hey nana na na nana
to do: put away bday gifts organise desk - make one neat cd draw, and free up one laundry- vacuum room
- figure out poa..
nighttiming - coconut records
- am listening to the extra alternate tracks and clips on the cd
- its such a good buy [or gift as ze bootiful zivya got it pour moi xx]
- so many so many extra musics as well as speshul gift
- twas a double sided poster - one side enlarged polaroid of the schwartzman
- other side many small polaroids [25]
- i love this music...it says what i want to say exactly about everything
- when people ask what are you thinking? or whats wrong? why are you grinning like a loon? why are you laughing madly? why are you sobbing in the corner? i should play the cd - the whole cd.
"why do you want to learn to love it?" I was being ironic. :p
We just want to go to Germany. And music festivals are always fun. ^^
yeah i'm a genius, i know! it's ok... i just KNOW your mind... it's impossible for the innocent human mind to grasp the working of brains such as mine :D
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