just watched 'becoming jane' which i had previously been resisting watching because a) i love jane austen, b) i hate anne hathaway...but then the lure of james mcavoy worked on me and i felt i ought to give it a shot. and so i did. and well duh i loved it. when do i ever hate anything he's in? well 'wimbledon' but every scene with him in it, was ace. [review: anne hathaway can act, she is definitely less annoying and more ignorable than keira knightley. joe anderson is quite genius. each role is so incredibly different...considering i didnt recognise him until halfway into 'control'!]
speaking of jane, i watched a lil bit of one episode of that new austen meets time travel thing...i forget what it's called...the one where ms price someone is in pride and prejudice instead of elizabeth bennett..it's completely funny because of the sheer silliness of it all. i rem now. tis called 'lost in austen' ...
i have a theory. it was bound to happen someday. someone, somewhere wud realise that scifi/fantasy and period romance/drama have essentially the same fan base. hopeless romantic fantasist/dreamer types who lose themselves in ludricrous [and humorous and dramatic over the top] other lives which their own lives could never aspire to [ignore my high minded language, i tend to absorb like a sponge when i watch or read things -the effects will pass shortly].
watching act III of dr horrible again now.
#everyone's a hero in their own way...# everybody! sway!
#you people all have to learrrrrn...this world's going to burrrrn# yeah it's 2 'r's h-o-r-r...
...ohhhh i'm in paiiiin...i think this is what pain feels like!
#everyone's a hero in their own way...# everybody! sway!
#you people all have to learrrrrn...this world's going to burrrrn# yeah it's 2 'r's h-o-r-r...
...ohhhh i'm in paiiiin...i think this is what pain feels like!
things that dr horrible has in common with becoming jane. they dont have happy endings. but they do get what they want professionally. jane becomes jane austen and dr horrible gets into the evil league of evil...
1 comment:
Lol, one of my tutors got really worked up when she talked about Becoming Jane, because they got everything wronnnnggggg!!!11
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